Pre-Conference Workshop: Hatch For Good: Using the Power of Digital Storytelling to Drive Social Impact
Pre-Conference Workshop: Hatch For Good: Using the Power of Digital Storytelling to Drive Social Impact
Led by RJ Bee, Senior Vice President, Hattaway Communications & Kimaya Dixit, Senior Associate, Hattaway Communications
Description: Since its preview at ComNet ‘14, Hatch for Good—a digital platform that helps organizations become effective storytelling organizations—launched, and has already helped change-makers around the globe harness the power of storytelling to drive social change.
This interactive workshop will introduce participants to Hatch for Good’s full range of storytelling tools—including developing a storytelling strategy, building a storytelling culture, captivating audiences with compelling content and determining the best platforms for sharing their stories and evaluating success. Participants will also share their storytelling challenges and brainstorm possible solutions as a group.
What You'll Learn:
- Actionable ideas for storytelling strategy and capacity
- A tool for creating compelling, motivating stories—the Social Impact Story Map
- Best practices and tips for using digital platforms for storytelling—like Twitter, Facebook, Medium, Storify and Instagram